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Acts 17:16-34 - How to Navigate the Marketplace of Ideas acts apologetics communication online church philosophy Jul 11, 2023

When Paul goes to Athens, he’s waiting for Silas and Timothy to arrive, so whilst he’s waiting, he has to earn a living. Paul’s trade was a tentmaker, so he would have made some tents and then sold them. In Athens, the Agora was the marketplace. It’s at this place, just...

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Acts 8:26-40 - How the Early Church utilised technology acts church growth online church Apr 07, 2022

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

The story of the Ethiopian Eunuch is a fascinating one, and one that has profound...

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Acts 5:12-16 โ€“ Where the crowds gather acts buildings location online church Nov 05, 2021

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

In verse 12, we are introduced to the fact that the believers all met in...

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4 simple ways to help people see the bright side of Online Church online church planning strategy Jan 12, 2021

“It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?” The immortal words of The Killers were definitely not written about the state of Online Church services, but the sentiment certainly applies. It all feels like the premise to a Romcom. The...

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How to be part of the future church, not the past online church planning strategy Jan 12, 2021

In Lewis Carol’s classic novel, Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, Alice, previously having been to Wonderland, climbs up on the mantlepiece and goes through the mirror and goes into a world where everything is reversed.

Sound Familiar?

On 23rd March 2020, the...

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