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Acts 17: 1-9 โ€“ Reaching the non-practicing Christian with community that works acts assimilation discipleship welcome Dec 01, 2022

In this passage, Paul heads over to Thessalonica, and follows a well-worn path.

We’ve already well established that Paul’s go-to strategy of evangelism is not to go to those furthest from God, but to those closest – the Jews. Now we know from the epistles that Paul’s...

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Acts 14:1-20 - The Fickle Nature of Crowds acts crowds discipleship evangelism Jun 28, 2022

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

In this passage, Paul & Barnabas first win over the synagogue in Iconium...

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Acts 12:25 โ€“ John Mark and the model of apprenticeship acts apprenticeship discipleship May 19, 2022

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

“When Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission, they returned from...

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You will love these simple church strategies church growth discipleship leadership development strategy Jan 12, 2021

Peter Drucker is famously attributed to the quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” - Here’s the bad news. Peter Drucker didn’t say it. Here’s the even worse news. The quote isn’t true.

The thinking is that you can have all the plans you want, but the...

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How to make more disciples with a clear pathway discipleship planning strategy Jan 12, 2021

I remember hearing something Bishop T.D. Jakes said once. He said we’re called to be fishers of people, and some churches catch with a rod, others catch with a net. If you catch with a rod you can take more time and care over the person, but the return on your labour is less than...

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