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Is Your Church's Mission Statement working? (Find out here) mission statement Aug 27, 2024

In this post, I’ll explore why your church’s mission statement might not be resonating with your congregation or community—and, more importantly, how to breathe new life into it. This isn’t about catchy phrases; it’s about clearly communicating God’s purpose...

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Acts 4:32-37 โ€“ Of one heart and soul acts mission statement strategy vision Oct 22, 2021

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

After the believers reconvene after Peter & John’s trial, it says that...

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How a mission statement can stop you walking in circles mission statement planning strategy Jan 12, 2021

This article was originally published on Premier Christianity Blog

Have you ever watched The Island with Bear Grylls? A group of strangers get stranded on a deserted island with little more than the clothes on their backs and are expected to survive for a month. Inevitably, they valiantly trek...

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