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Acts 15:36-41: Why you can't have two captains acts church planting leadership development Aug 09, 2022

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

In the first missionary journey, it was clear that Barnabas was leading. Why do...

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Acts 14:21-28 Paul's Painful Leadership Lesson from His First Missionary Journey acts hiring leadership leadership development Jul 08, 2022

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

“They preached the gospel in that city and won a large number of disciples....

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Acts 12:1-17 โ€“ The Apostle Factory acts leadership development May 12, 2022

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

“Tell James and the other brothers and sisters about this.”

This one...

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Acts 6:1-8 PART 4: In defence of Leadership Development & Church Growth acts church growth leadership development Dec 10, 2021

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

The terms  ‘Leadership Development’ and ‘Church...

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Acts 6:1-8 PART 3: Spirit & Wisdom acts leadership leadership development selection criteria Dec 03, 2021

In this blog series, I’m going to take a look at the book of Acts from a strategic point of view. What was going on in the days of the early church and what can we learn from it today in the 21st Century?

The choosing of the seven is a crucial moment for the church, and it sets into...

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How to create an awesome Leadership Pipeline leadership development planning strategy Jan 12, 2021

When it comes to leadership ability, there are two schools of thought. In the red corner there is the belief in born leaders. You could even go far as saying it’s a God-given gift, and indeed in Romans 12:8, leadership is listed as a divinely-bestowed gift. The thought is that you should be...

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You will love these simple church strategies church growth discipleship leadership development strategy Jan 12, 2021

Peter Drucker is famously attributed to the quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” - Here’s the bad news. Peter Drucker didn’t say it. Here’s the even worse news. The quote isn’t true.

The thinking is that you can have all the plans you want, but the...

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