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Adam Legge talks about creating new worshipping communities

Season #2

My guest today is Adam Legge. Adam is the Activity & Faith Leader for Sportily, run by the Diocese of Gloucester.

  1. Hi Adam, you’ve started working for Sportily. What is Sportily and how does it all work?
  2. I was privileged to go to the Commissioning Ceremony for your role. What really stood out for me from that ceremony was that you were being commissioned to start a form of church, but in a different way. Is Sportily a church, an event, a lead-in? Where does it sit?
  3. Sportily is primarily aimed at young people, but can this kind of expression of church work for the whole family too? How would that look?
  4. Why do you think it’s necessary to start churches in different ways than what we’ve always known?