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Brady Shearer talks about communications and the future of the church

Season #2

Brady Shearer – The New Era of Church


My guest today is Brady Shearer. Brady is the Founder of Nucleus Church & Pro Church Tools. With a large following of 35 thousand people on Instagram, and a huge 116 thousand people on YouTube, Brady is the best person in the world I can think to talk to about church communications. Brady is a great strategist and thinker too, so I know that you’ll enjoy this conversation.


  1. You say in your videos that we’ve just undergone the biggest communications shift in 500 years, and that’s correct. The internet, and mobile devices, in particular, have been as revolutionary as the printing press. However, the church is, in many instances, still struggling to keep up. What are the biggest areas of communications in church life that still need to come in line with the times?
  2. I’ve hard you talk before about how all our church services are essentially the same. They’re all slight variations on Worship, Announcements & Preach. Are you seeing any churches starting to buck the trend?
  3. What new thinking do we need to adopt to start bucking the trend? How can we break out of the box we’ve made for ourselves?
  4. In the last 2 decades, the church has been defined most by the attractional church service. Probably most popularised by Australian and American megachurches, Hillsong, Willow Creek, Elevation, and more. is this model still relevant in the era of Millennials & Gen-Z? What’s changing?