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Hannah Williamson talks about coaching younger leaders

Season #2

My guest today is Hannah Williamson. For nearly two decades, Hannah has served in the local church in various roles including as youth pastor and more recently as an executive pastor. Hannah now serves churches across the country with her ministry, Echo, helping Empower people, Coach and mentor leaders, bring Health to churches and partner to bring Organisational clarity.

  1. Hannah, you spend a lot of time coaching youth ministries, what are some common problems that you are finding when you are brought in to help?
  2. What qualities does a good coach bring to their role?
  3. How could churches better model coaching within their church?
  4. Does your approach differ from department to department, or are there some principles and practices that work in any ministry?
  5. What are they key strategies that ministries need to think through?
  6. Churches don’t know what they don’t know, and that’s why people like you and me exist, to help give a clear assessment of where a church or a ministry is at. When you go and help a ministry, what are the signs of health that you’re looking for?