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Gianni Gaeta talks about church planting

Season #2

My guest today is Gianni Gaeta. Gianni Gaeta is the founder and leader of the LIFE Church Austria movement with his wife Angela. Gianni's passion is to encourage people to dream big and to think of the seemingly impossible, and then to take steps to implement this, whether in church planting nationally and internationally or in the field of business, education and politics.

  1. Iā€™d love to hear about how you started Life Church.
  2. Both you and your wife Angela are not Austrian. You are Italian and Angela is English. How did you find it planting a church in a culture you didnā€™t grow up in?
  3. Life Church has many churches across Austria. How do you choose where to plant?
  4. What qualities do you look for in leaders for your churches?
  5. How do you keep consistency between churches? Is that even important to you?